Extra ordinary meeting notes 11.08.2022
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Thursday 11th August 2022 at Kirkby On Bain Church at 7:00pm.
Present: With councillor Briscombe in the chair there were also present councillor(s) Midgley, Cole, Saunders, Armitage, Russell and Thomas. County councillor Patricia Bradwell and District councillor Craig Leyland were also in attendance.
Public: There was 27 members of public present.
1. Chairman’s remarks – Chairman gave a rundown of the meetings proceedings to all present.
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and Resolved that standing orders be suspended to allow public the time to make their points on the planning application to the council.
Application - S/094/01375/22 – public comments:
Members of the public firstly raised issues with the address listed on the application as this was not correct and the planning department has been informed. They are changing it from Green Hedges to land on Wellsyke lane. The owner of Green Hedges was very frustrated that his address had been used.
A representative from the Wildlife trust who manages Kirkby Moor told the council that a Wildlife impact report needs to be carried out and the proposed application would bring more people into the area which will disturb the wildlife and increase anti-social behaviour.
An owner of a neighbouring property to the site told all present that the current dog walkers disturb the wildlife and if a site like this got approved then this would only disturb it further and ‘once its gone its gone’. There would be increased littering in the area and dog fouling.
A member of the public again had concerns for the Wildlife as there is evidence of a protected species on site and in their own ecological appraisal it is mentioned, more investigations need to be carried out.
Members of public raised concerns for safety having a holiday site so close to the gravel pits.
All members where concerned for the potential increase in traffic it would bring on an all ready dangerous road. There are no footpaths so people walk in the roads and this would only be made worse with the increase of people walking into Woodhall spa.
One member of public told the council that Kirkby On Bain is listed as a medium village on the local plan and in the local plan it sates that they need to identify local need and they feel the site would be far too much for this area.
A member of the public was concerned as to what would happen to the site if the planning application wasn’t approved as the site is being used to burn waste. The fire department have previously attended the site. The current application also only uses half of the land it is on and he asked what would the rest of the land be used for.
District Councillor Leyland told the council that it is very early days in the application process and they applicant have not heard back from all the consultees yet. He told everyone that principal development might be established but what is there will need careful consideration. He discussed an application on Sandy Lane in Woodhall Spa where the lodges were on stilts to ensure minimal disruption of the wildlife. He told the council to ensure they mention the quality and density of the site as it is overloaded.
Planning officers have visited the site before after the parish council reported the works taking place but this was deemed as reasonable works and no endowment action was taken.
County Councillor Bradwell told the council from Highways perspective they cannot make the road wider as there isn’t the verge to do it, but perhaps pull ins could be used to help traffic flow. She also told all that give ways signs could be put up but it is not a built up area so a speed limit change or street lights could not be added.
Councillor Briscombe thanked all for coming and welcomed them to stay to hear the council discussion but told them they would not be able to talk or make any further comments until the meeting was over.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none.
4. To discuss planning application Ref: S/094/01375/22 - WELLSYKE LANE, KIRKBY ON BAIN, WOODHALL SPA, LN10 6YY - Planning Permission - Change of use of existing quarry to form a leisure park for 88no. lodges/caravans, provision of parking, internal access roads, alterations to existing pond and the erection of an reception building.
Councillors comments:
* Councillor Thomas told the council that there is not enough infrastructure in place for the amount of people it would attract. Traffic would also be a big problem especially on arrival/ departure days.
* Councillor Midgley has visited the site before and they told him they were looking at putting 32 caravans on site but the application is for 88. The infrastructure is an issue and there are all ready enough holiday parks in the area, which could loose business if this is approved. The wildlife and fauna would suffer greatly.
* Councillor Saunders told the council that the council that the soak away is not big enough as all the water is going back into the ground and would create too much surface water causing flooding issues.
* Councillor Armitage told the council that the site is just too large for the area.
* Councillor Russell told the council that is needs conditions in place. She would like more information on the application. The site will effect the surrounding areas as well.
* Councillor Briscombe agreed with the councillors comments they made and wants to ask about licencing, rentals, sales and occupancy.
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and Resolved by all that the council are objecting to the application in its current state and the clerk is to prepare a response and circulate to the council for approval before submitting.
5. The next meeting is scheduled for 8th September 2022. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda – There were none.
The meeting closed at 8:20pm
Signed by chairman: ………………………………………. 0008.09.2022