Minutes from 17th Feb 2022
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Thursday 17th February 2022 at Kirkby On Bain Church at 7:00pm.
Present: With councillor Briscombe in the chair there were also present councillor(s) Midgley, Cole, Saunders, Arden and Thomas.
Absent: Councillor Armitage.
Public: There was 1 members of public present.
Public Forum – Councillor Saunders made it clear to the council that he was disappointed in the way the council had conducted themselves cover email in regards to the planning application. The chairman informed him that this is why the meeting had been called so all comments relevant to the application can be discussed appropriately.
1. Chairman’s remarks - The chairman congratulated the clerk on the birth of her baby and presented her with flowers. He then welcomed all present and thanked them for coming to this extraordinary meeting which has been called in order to discuss the planning application listed below and get the councils comments in within the time frame.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from councillor Armitage.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
a) Councillor Saunders declared an interest in the application as it is planning permission which he has applied for.
b) Councillor Cole declared an interest as she is a customer of the applicant.
4. To discuss planning application Ref: S/094/00117/22, BAINSIDE HOUSE, ROUGHTON ROAD, KIRKBY ON BAIN, LN10 6YL. Planning Permission - Change of use of land to site 11no. touring caravans, erection of a shower/toilet block, provision of parking and alterations to existing vehicular access.
It was:-
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow the council to ask questions from the applicant in regards to the application.
The council discussed the application at length and asked various questions of the applicant.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and Resolved that the council support the application with the following comments being submitted:
The parish council would like the conditions sent via caravan control at ELDC in the comments section of this application to be met.
In particular, the comment in regards to a space of 6 meters wide between each caravan
even when an awning is used, as on the proposed application this does not seem to be the case.
The council would also like to see a brick toilet/shower block on the site if at all possible and would like a condition put in place in regards to the caravans not being allowed any developments i.e. sheds and greenhouses etc.
The proposal was carried by 3 votes for to 1 against with one abstention.
There were no other proposals.
5. The next meeting is scheduled for 3rd March 2022. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda – There were none.
The meeting closed at 7:32pm.
Signed by Chairman:………………………….. 0003.03.2022