Notes from 14th July 2022
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th July 2022 in the school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Armitage, Saunders and Cole. District Councillor Craig Leyland was also in attendance.
Absent: Councillors Midgley, Thomas, District councillor Kemp, County Councillor Patricia Bradwell and the local PCSO.
Public: There was 1 member of public present.
Public Forum – None
1. Chairman’s remarks – None.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from Councillors Midgley and Thomas.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011- None.
4. Notes of the annual council meeting held on Thursday 12th May 2022 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Armitage and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman
5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor – not present no report given.
b) District Councillor Craig Leyland told the council that there is a cost of living crisis for residents and there is a wellbeing service available for them to use. There are 98 referrals received in ELDC for Ukraine refugees and 95 properties have been inspected to help find host families for them. Wellbeing and welfare services are now being utilised by the refugees to help them with the struggles of the changes they have had to make. Councillor Leyland also told the council that in Aug/Sept time there will be a purple bin for clean paper and card under the new environmental law, eventually there will also be a bin for food waste but that may take a few years for council to roll out. He also told council that the new household waste and recycling centre is open.
c) Police – not present no report given.
6. The co-option to the Council of any potential candidate present – 1 person has registered their interest
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that Jill Russell be co-opted on to the council.
7. Councillor reports:
a) Councillor Midgley – Speeding in the village and liaising with Police – Councillor Midgley was not present and council will await an update when he is back. Council asked that some kind of schedule be put in place so it was clear when and if people where required to go out with the speed gun.
Highways issues:-
i) Councillor Saunders raised an ongoing issues with Councillor Armitage steps on a grass verge near his property. Councillor Armitage has now moved these back after reading councillor Saunders email. Councillor Saunders has also reported the issues to highways but action has not been taken by them yet and the issues has been resolved.
ii) Councillor Armitage told the council that there are plans to refurbish the bridge on Rimes Lane in September time.
iii) Council asked the clerk if she could send thanks to Councillor Bradwell to pass on to the Highways team as the direction sign on Roughton Road/ Rimes Lane has been replaced and looks fantastic.
iv) Councillor Briscombe informed the council that the speed sign battery is flat and it does need taking down and charging. Councillor Midgley is not able to do this at this time. Councillor Armitage offered his help if needed.
v) Councillor Cole told the council that the 40mph sign on Roughton Road is leaning, which the clerk will report.
vi) Councillor Russell told the council that the 30mph sign on Tattershall road is very difficult to see as the plants need cutting back.
vii) Councillor Saunders asked who will cut round the new village signs now they are up. Councillor Briscombe told him that council will have to see what happens with time.
b) Councillors Saunders and Thomas – Flooding, parking and liaising with the environmental agency- Councillor Saunders told the council that he has arranged a meeting with the environmental agency for the 9th August to discuss the installation of a pumping station as it seem to get to the drawing stage and then there are staffing changes and the process starts again. He will keep the council updated.
8. Village Sign & Flagpole Installation – Councillor Briscombe told the council that the village signs have all been installed. They did not have enough supplies with them to do the flagpole as well so they will come back to do that at an extra cost.
9. Jubilee Weekend Feedback & New Date for Village Picnic – The jubilee event had to be cancelled due to the weather. Council discussed a new date which will be for a village picnic rather than a jubilee event perhaps for 28th August which is the next bank holiday weekend.
10. Communication of notifications to the council – Councillor Briscombe discussed informing the village blog about the notifications council receive. Council decided it would be best for councillor Briscombe to pass on any necessary information.
11. To discuss any Planning applications – None. Councillor Saunders told the council that he has made some changes to his planning application. Councillor Leyalnd told the council that depending on what the changes are the local parish councils may not be notified.
12. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The clerk told the council that the current bank balance is £28,079.45. Councillor Armitage told the council that he was not able to sign up for the new banking even with the new email, the clerk was asked to chase this.
b) Payments required: -
i. Harrisons flag pole via S. Kulwicki - £778.74
ii. S. Thomas – ML Plant & Toilet Hire - £114.00
iii. S. Kulwicki – Wages/ Tax for May and June - £261.80
iv. HMRC - £46.80
v. A. Jackson – £290.00
vi. Vere Bros – Sign installation - £825.60
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Armitage and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid.
vii. Purchase of CSW speed gun– Total required - £622.69 – The clerk was asked to talk with councillor Midgley and get a structure in place as to when the gun will be used so volunteers have an idea of what they are agreeing too.
13. Clerks’ correspondence – All dealt with via email.
14. The next meeting is scheduled for 8th September 2022. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda…
The meeting closed at 7:50pm