Minutes from 3rd March 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 03rd March 2022 at Kirkby on Bain School Hall at 7:00pm. 

Present: With councillor Midgley in the chair there were also present councillor(s) Cole, Saunders, Arden, Armitage and Thomas. 

Absent: Councillor Briscombe and District councillor Tom Kemp. 

Public: There were no members of public present. 

Public Forum – none. 

1. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present.

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from councillor Briscombe. 

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none. 

4. Notes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th January 2022 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was: - 
Proposed by Councillor Midgley, Seconded by Councillor Thomas and Resolved. 

5. Notes of the meeting held on Thursday 17th February 2022 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was: - 
Proposed by Councillor Thomas, Seconded by Councillor Cole and Resolved. 

6. Notes of the sub- committee meeting for the queen’s jubilee held on Thursday 16th February 2022 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was: - 
Proposed by Councillor Cole, Seconded by Councillor Thomas and Resolved. 

7. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Bradwell told the council that the new household waste and recycling centre will hopefully open in June. The council expressed some concerns with the potential of people queuing to use the tip as the entry point is on the main road, councillor Bradwell told the council she will look into this. A discussion was had by chairman and councillor Bradwell on a verity of issues none of which effect this area. 
b) District Councillor Craig Leyland told the council that there may be some grant funding avliable to help support the Queens Jubilee celebrations. He also told the council that there is grant funding available to homeowners to help make their homes more energy efficient. A new team have been appointed across the district to help tidy up the streets. ELDC have also agreed to help put support in place for Ukraine refugees. 

c) Police – PCSO Nigel Wass was not present. Councillor Bradwell told the council that she would speak with the police sergeant to see if they could get a member of their team down to do some speed monitoring. 

8. Councillor reports:
a) Councillor Midgley – Speeding in the village and liaising with Police. Councillor Midgley is waiting to be contacted by the PCSO to schedule going out with the speed gun. 
b) Councillor Arden – Village signs including the reactive speed sign. Councillor Arden circulated the data to the councillors. The average speed being 46mph in the 40moh zone. The clerk was asked to contact the CSW team and see if a pole for the reactive speed sign could be erected in the village rather than just on the entry points. 
c) Councillors Saunders and Thomas – Flooding, parking and liaising with the environmental agency. Councillor Thomas told the council that the river remains low. Councillor Saunders told the council he is in contact with the environmental agency in regards to the electric fencing and is working on the issue with the landowner. 

9. Queens celebration event – Progress to date
a) Councillor Saunders asked why the tree had been plated on private land to which councillor Thomas told the council he has gifted the land with the tree on to the council. 
b) Councillor Cole told the council that they would like a new bench with a plaque for the contemplation area in the churchyard. Councillor Leyland told the council that there may be some funding available which he will send over when an application becomes available.
c) Councillor Cole told the council that the mosaic has been designed by the children and is now being made.
d) The clerk told the council that she in the process of doing the planning application for the flag pole but the cost of this and the pole would take them over budget for the event. 
e) Councillor Cole told the council she would do a breakdown of costs. 

10. Village Sign – Installation quotes (2 received) – The council chose to move this to the next meeting. 

11. Highways – Any problems to report
a) Update on bin request 
b) Councillor Saunders told the council that the parking at the pub in the village is not an issue at the moment but will be when the better weather comes and they are busier. Councillor Bradwell told the council that yellow lines could not be put in place without a traffic order but she will continue to chase this. 
c) The clerk was asked to report the steep bank on the footpath near Swan Drift as it is very steep and slippery. She was also asked to report the issues with dog fouling along this footpath too.  
d) Councillor Midgley asked councillor Bradwell if she had an update on Tattershall Road and Roughton Road she told councillor Midgley that this is something she is still working on, she will go out herself and have a look at the road condition to assess if anything needs doing on these roads.

12. To discuss any Planning applications – There were none. 
13. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The clerk told the council that the bank balance on the 22nd February is £5,675.89, she also told the council that she is working on changing the account over to Lloyds. 
b) Payments required: - 
i) LALC Annual subs - £87.23
ii) LALC Annual training scheme - £102.00
iii) S. Kulwicki – Wages Jan and Feb - £434.44 
iv) HMRC PAYE - £58.60
v) Impressions engraving plaque (reimburse S. Kulwicki) - £58.20
It was: - 
Proposed by Councillor Cole, Seconded by Councillor Thomas and Resolved that the above payment be approved and duly paid. 

vi) Purchase of CSW speed gun– Total required - £622.69 – Councillor Midgley told the council he is waiting for more volunteers to come forwards, when they do the council can look into purchasing the equipment. 
vii) To approve the purchase of a flagpole and the planning permission required
It was: - 
Proposed by Councillor Midgley, Seconded by Councillor Thomas and Resolved that the clerk continue to apply for the planning permission while the committee see if there is any funding avliable to support the purchase of the pole. 

14. Clerks’ correspondence –
a) Councillor Cole told the council that trustees of the village hall would like the feedback from the council on what they would like to see the village hall being used for and if money was spent on the hall what should it be spent on. The councillors told her that they would like to be able to see it used by the community which was its intended purpose for events like birthday parties and coffee mornings. A meeting was suggested with all parties concerned to see how the council could provide support. 

15. The next meeting is scheduled for 11th May at 6:30 pm which will be the annual parish meeting with guest speakers and the annual council meeting will be held on the 12th May at 7pm both meetings will be held in the school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda – There were none. 
The meeting closed at 8:52pm 

Signed by Chairman: ……………………………………….0012.05.22