Minutes from 13th Jan 2022
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th January 2022 at Kirkby On Bain Primary School, school hall starting at 7:00pm.
Present: With councillor Briscombe in the chair there were also present councillor(s) Midgley, Cole, Armitage, Arden and Thomas. PCSO Nigel Wass was also in attendance.
Absent: Councillor Saunders. County councillor Bradwell and District councillor Leyland and Thomas.
Public: There were 2 members of public present.
Public Forum – None.
1. Chairman’s remarks - The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Appologies revived and accepted from councillor Saunders and County councillor P. Bradwell.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none.
4. Notes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th November 2021 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Midgley and Seconded by councillor Thomas and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Bradwell was not present but she asked the council to inform her of any issues that do arise.
b) District Councillor Craig Leyland and Thomas Kemp were not present but they also asked to be kept up to date with any issues.
c) PCSO Nigel Wass told the council that he was pleased he could be in attendance and the council thanked him for coming. He told the council that there were no reported crimes in the area and asked that they read the monthly newsletter which is sent out to the clerk and asked to be kept up to date on any issues which arise.
6. Councillor reports:
a) Councillor Midgley told the council that he will continue to work with the PCSO who will attend when he can with the speed gun. Councillor Midgley told the council that he has 3 volunteers for the CSW speed gun initiative and he is going to contact Roughton parish council to see if they would like to join the scheme with the council.
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Midgley and Seconded by councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the purchase of the equipment be moved to the next council meeting.
b) Councillor Arden circulated the data from the reactive speed sign which is still showing more than 50% of vehicles speeding, he told the council that the sign is being charged and he will
continue to vary it between the 2 sites. The clerk was asked to chase the quotes for the village sign installation.
c) Councillors Thomas told the council that the river had been dredged which is now looking much better. He told the council that the parking outside the Ebrington Arms is much improved as customers are now using the car park more.
7. Queens celebration event – Councillor Cole told the council that she had received the information required from the footpaths officer and the council have 3 options they can go for to establish a footpath. The first being a creation order which is a legal process subject to full public consultation and all fees payable by the applicant. The second option is a creation agreement where the parish council entre into agreements with the land owner to create a new right of way with appropriate surfacing in place, all costs also payable by the applicant. The third would be a permissive route which is informal access with the landowner but they can withdraw the access at any time. The council had a discussion on the different options and didn’t feel that this would be something they can establish in time for the Queens jubilee.
Councillor Cole is going to talk with Reverend Sue about a contemplation area next week. Councillor Thomas told the council that the oak tree had been erected on his land alongside the riverside footpath and councillor Briscombe is going to arrange a plaque dedicating it to the Queen and her Platinum jubilee.
The picnic has been arranged on Councillor Thomas’s land and the toilets have been booked. Councillor Cole is looking into the purchase of a face painting kit.
Councillor Thomas is meeting with the school to discuss the possibility of the students designing a mosaic for the front of the building designed by children from the school and constructed by a Village resident Tina Kent.
Councillor Briscombe asked the council to consider the purchase of a flag pole. Councillor Midgley suggested it be on hinges to allow for easy maintenance. The clerk told the council that they would need to apply for permission to erect it on Highways land should this be where they chose to put it.
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Thomas and Seconded by councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the purchase of a flag pole be approved once prices have been obtained.
8. Village Sign – The clerk was asked to chase the quotes for the sign. Councillor Briscombe met with 1 contractor.
9. Highways – Any problems to report
a) Update on bin request – The clerk was asked to chase this via the District councillors.
b) Redmill Bridge maintenance – Councillor Armitage told the council that the works taking place are to remove the surfacing and re surface as the current surfacing is pushing on the parapets. The railing will also be removed and replaced with something higher as they don’t meet the current standards. The works are now due to take place in January of 2023 for approximately 6 weeks.
c) Councillor Arden told the council that the parking outside the school has improved, there are still a few regular illegal parkers but generally it has gotten better. The school have taken more action, they are now sending out regular reminders to parents and have teachers patrolling the area.
d) Councillor Midgley asked if the clerk could write to Brylaine and asked if the bus times/ schedule will be effected once the road diversions are in place for he household waste and recycling centre.
10. To discuss any Planning applications – There were none.
11. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – Safeguarding review complete account changed to charity – The council discussed the account status.
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Briscombe and Seconded by councillor Thomas and RESOLVED by all that the clerk get in touch with the bank and request the councils account be changed to an account without charges or the clerk should close the account and find a more suitable bank.
b) Payments required: -
i. Crowders Oak tree- £48.00 (PAID)
ii. A. Jackson – Grass cutting – £180.00 (PAID)
iii. LCC school hall - £240.00 (PAID)
iv. S. Kulwicki – Wages/ Tax for Nov and Dec - £403.64
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Midgley and Seconded by councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid.
v. Purchase of CSW speed gun– Total required - £622.69 – see agenda item 6a.
12. Clerks’ correspondence – The clerk told the council this is all done via email between meetings. She had nothing to make the council ware of at this time.
13. The next meeting is scheduled for 3rd March 2022. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda – None.
14. To resolve to move into closed session - Under public bodies (admission to meeting) Act 1960 and the local government act 1972, ss 100 and 102
It was: -
Proposed by councillor Briscombe and Seconded by councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the meeting be closed to the public.
a) Grass cutting tenders – One quote received to date. The clerk was asked to arrange for them to carry out the grass cutting at the church.
The meeting closed at 8:16pm.
Signed by Chairman:………………………………….0003.03.2022