Minutes from 2nd September 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 02nd September 2021 at Kirkby on Bain Church at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Cole, Midgley, Saunders and Arden. District councillor Thomas Kemp was also in attendance.
Absent: Councillor Thomas. District councillor Leyland and County councillor Bradwell.
Public: There were 3 members of public present.
Public forum:
Festivals at Scholey Park:- One member of public told the council that he was disappointed with the lack of communication to the parish council from the licencing department about the event going ahead. The licencing team at ELDC think the event planners and management team have obeyed the licencing teams’ conditions unless they have evidence that can prove otherwise but they do not go out to check the conditions are being followed. He feels as though more needs to be done by ELDC. Councillors asked questions about the licence being linked to the site, but the District councillor informed them that it doesn’t have to be they can apply as and when they want one. Councillor Kemp asked officers to attend the event, but he didn’t get a response. The council asked the District councillor to pass their concerns on to the licencing department regarding making the parish council aware of the event when the licence is applied for or shorty after so they have more time to make the community aware it will be happening. Councillor Kemp agreed to pass on the council’s views.
A member of public thanked the county councillor for getting Wharf Lane re-tarmacked and having the road marking put back on the road.
1. Chairman’s remarks - The chairman welcomed all present and thanked councillor Midgley for chairing the last meeting. A member of public presented some old minute books to the council which were then passed onto councillor Midgley to store with other council records.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Thomas, District councillor Leyland and County councillor Bradwell.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. – There were none.
4. Notes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st July to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Midgley and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County councillor – Not present, email report read out. Nothing to bring to councillor Bradwell’s attention.
b) District councillor – Thomas Kemp told the council that the strategic alliance with South- Holland District council is going ahead. He told the council that he will make the licencing department aware of the parishes concerns. There is an ongoing issue with getting a new dog bin in the area councillor Kemp told the council that he is going to continue to work with the clerk to get this resolved.
c) Police - Not on duty this evening but PCSO Nigel Wass told the council through email that he would be in attendance on the 3rd September doing some speed gun checks on vehicles.
6. To agree Councillor appointment of councillors to specific areas:
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Midgley and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the councillors below have specific areas of interest in which they gather information to report back to the council.
a) Councillor Midgley – Speeding in the village and liaising with Police.
b) Councillor Arden – Village signs including the reactive speed sign.
c) Councillors Saunders and Thomas – Flooding, parking and liaising with the environmental agency.
7. Queens celebration event – Councillor Cole told the council she had been very busy calling different suppliers but it hasn’t been very productive as most are booked. She has enquired about balloon sculptors, face painters and bouncy castles. There have been various ideas for different activities like a duck rase, bake off, treasure hunt for children and themed attrite i.e., best of British. Councillor Cole is going to speak with locals and ask them what they would like to see at an event and then make a decision at the next meeting about what to do.
8. Community Speed Watch Data – Councillor Arden told the council that the highest speed was 100mph at 10am in August. The data has been circulated amongst councillors but it quite difficult to understand. The clerk was asked to draft a letter to Highways to request some speed reduction methods.
9. Village Sign – Councillor Arden told the council it is ready for installation, just waiting on man powers for it to be installed. Councillor Briscombe asked anyone to come forward if they would like to do it or are able to.
10. Tearout and Northern gathering Festival feedback – This was discussed in the public forum. There has been one complaint received about the noise from a member of the public. Councillors also asked the clerk to speak with licencing at ELDC to request that the council be notified of any events.
11. Tattershall road and Wharf Lane, road condition. – The clerk was asked to speak with councillor Bradwell to thank her for her efforts on Wharf Lane and about adding Tattershall road to the schedule of works. The clerk was also asked to inform her about Roughton Road beyond Rimes lane, to the Parish boundary as it is not in good condition.
12. Litter issues – Update on bin request – Councillor Kemp is going to chase the officer dealing with the request, Councillor Saunders is going to send potential re-siting locations of all dog bins to the clerk which she will pass on to the officer.
13. To discuss any Planning applications
a) Ref: S/094/01661/21 – Grange Farm, Kirkby Lane - Planning permission for change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing outbuilding to form 3no holidays lets. The council has no objections to this application.
b) Ref: S/094/01619/21 – Bredon, Wharf Lane, Kirkby on Bain – Planning permission for a single-story rear extension and alternations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. The council has no objections to this application.
14. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The bank balance for July was £6,904.89 and for August it was £7,835.93 as the clerk has re-claimed the VAT.
b) Payments required: -
i. A. Jackson – Grass cutting - £240.00 (July and August)
ii. S. Kulwicki – Wages/ Tax for July and August - £349.60
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the above payments are approved and be duly paid.
15. Grass cutting of church yard – Review of proposals for contractors for 2022. The council asked the clerk to add the measurements of the churchyard to the proposal as well as a schedule of cuts which will be an as needed basis from March to October.
16. Clerks’ correspondence – Nothing new to report as all dealt with via email.
17. The next meeting is scheduled for 4th November. Location to be confirmed. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda? There were none.
The meeting closed at 8:16pm.
Signed by Chairman:………..0004.11.2021