Notes from 1st July 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 01st July 2021 at Kirkby on Bain Church at 7:00 pm 
Present: With Councillor Midgley in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Thomas, Cole and Saunders. District councillor Thomas Kemp and county councillor Patricia Bradwell were also in attendance. 

Absent: Councillors Briscombe and Arden. District councillor Leyland.

Public: There where no members of public present. 

1. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and told them he was pleased to see them all as it has been over a year since the last meeting in person. 

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from councillors Arden, Briscombe and district councillor Leyland.  

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none. 

4. Notes of the annual meeting held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 6th May to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Midgley and Seconded by Councillor Thomas and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.  

5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Bradwell told the council that the planning permission for the relocation of the household waste and recycling centre goes to planning committee on the 26th July.  She asked if the council had any comments to make the council were concerned about the new site possibly being contaminated. Councillor Bradwell informed the council that environmental health and the environmental agency will conduct vigorous checks to approve the site before it can be used. She told the council that the current site is privately owned and is very costly to run that is why ELDC are looking for an alternative place so they can keep it in house and hopefully reduce the running costs. 
She told the council that Wharf Lane will have works carried out in the summer holidays which will include painting of the road markings. She is pushing for them to do road markings on Tattershall road as well while they are in the area. With regards to the flooding of the river Bain & surface water flooding affecting Kirkby on Bain, Surveys have been carried out and we are waiting decisions on what actions are to be taken if any. She also told the council that she is speaking with Steve Brookes about broadband and will let the council know what progress she makes as there is Fibre in the village but not all areas are covered which isn’t good enough. 
b) District Councillor Thomas Kemp told the council that South Holland District Council have approached ELDC and BB about joining the strategic alliance to share staff and resources. There was also a discussion on the Tearout Festival council raised concerns with the current rules and restriction they will have to abide to and they would like ELDC to step up and monitor the festival to ensure they follow the rules. Councillor Kemp informed the council that the licence has been granted and the festival will go ahead. 

The licencing team need proof of any rule breaking if anyone is able to get this it will help form a case against the company for future events but in the meantime the event 
will go ahead as planned. Councillor Kemp is going to get a copy of the noise management plan and pass it on to the council. Councillor Kemp also agreed to chase the dog waste bin which has been applied for on Kirkby Lane. 
c) Police – No report. Councillor Bradwell told the council that the current PCSO is on long term sick and a PSCO named Nigel has taken over for her. Councillor Bradwell told the council that he is having a surgery on Friday in Woodhall Spa. He is a very active PCSO and will do the best for the area so if the council have any concerns, she told them to get in touch with him. 

6. Queens’s celebration event – Councillor Thomas and Cole told the council that they are planning a celebration for the 5th June 2022. Hopefully a village fate event. They would like to know what funds are available to them. The clerk told them they have an allowance to spent under sec 137 but funds/ expenditure would need to be approved by full council. 

7. Community Speed Watch Data – The data has all been sent via email from councillor Arden. The clerk was asked to email the PCSO and ask if he can attend in the village at school times when most people are speeding. 

8. Village Sign – Delivered and instillation to be arranged. Councillor Saunders offered to help as he has the equipment if needed. 

9. Tearout Festival – Councillor Midgley raised various concerns over the event. Please see item 5b. 

10. Tattershall road – Councillor Midgley reported the poor road condition to the council. The clerk was asked to report it. 

11. Litter increase at school- Councillor Midgley received a complaint about the litter outside the school. The council are going to continue to monitor the situation to see if it gets worse. The clerk asked councillor Kemp to chase the litter bin request on Main Street near the Ebrington Arms. 

12. To discuss any Planning applications – The clerk was asked by Councillor Saunders for an update on Beagle Barn which she has not received and will chase up again. 

13. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The bank balance as of 22nd June is £7,510.83. The chairman signed the bank statement. 
b) Payments required: - 
i. M&T Brommell – Phone box re-paint - £350.00 PAID
ii. A. Jackson – Grass cutting - £210.00 (April and May) PAID
iii. Maltby electrical – Phone Box - £0.00
iv. A. Jackson – Grass cutting - £240.00 (May and June)
v. S. Kulwicki – Wages for May and June - £305.94
vi. HMRC – PAYE - £60.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the above payment are approved and be duly paid. 
14. Grass cutting of church yard – Discussion of content for 2022 – Councillor Saunders suggested doing a proposal for what they would like to be done for 2022. The clerk was asked to do this. 

The clerk was also asked to get a quote from the current grass cutter to add the junction island at Church Lane and Wharf Lane. 

15. Clerks’ correspondence – This is all done via email. The clerk brough to the council’s attention a letter about Broadband and the tearout festival email from councillor Leyland as they were relevant to the meeting. 

16. The next meeting is scheduled for 2nd September. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda?
a) Councillor Saunders raised concerns over an electric fence which adjoins a public footpath. It has shocked him a few times a few members of public, there needs to be more signage on it. Councillor Saunders has spoken with the land owner to no avail, to be discussed at the next meeting. 

The meeting closed at 8:30pm 

Signed by chairman: ……………………0Kirkby on Bain Parish Council002.09.2021