Minutes from 6th May 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 06th May 2021 via Zoom at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Arden, Thomas, Midgley, Saunders and Cole. District councillor Thomas Kemp and county councillor Patricia Bradwell where also in attendance.
Absent: District councillors Leyland and the local PCSO.
Public: There where 3 members of public present.
1. Election of Chairman, signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Midgley that councillor Briscombe be elected as Chairman for 2021-2022 Seconded by Councillor Thomas and RESOLVED. Councillor Briscombe accepted and will sign the declaration of acceptance of office.
There were no other nominations.
2. Election of Vice- Chairman, signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe that councillor Midgley be elected as Vice- Chairman for 2021-2022 Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED. Councillor Midgley accepted and will sign the declaration of acceptance of office.
There were no other nominations.
3. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming. He is looking forwards to the council being able to meet in person which will hopefully be the next meeting providing restrictions are lifted.
4. Apologies for absence and reasons given. – Resignation received from Councillor Penny Stones. Councillor Briscombe told the council he is sad that Councillor Stones has left and she will hopefully return in the future he has sent his thanks to her for her many years of service of the council.
Apologies received from councillor Leyland.
5. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – There were none.
6. Notes of meeting held on Thursday 4th March 2021 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Midgley and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
7. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Bradwell told the council that Wharf lane is scheduled for resurfacing and road markings in the summer holidays. She has also spoken with the nursery and they are happy for the users to park in their car park when dropping off rather than
parking on the roadside. She hasn’t been able to speak with the head teacher at the primary school yet. Councillor Bradwell told the council that she is going to speak with
the school safety officer at highways and see if he can come up with a system for the school and nursery to help elevate congestion at drop off and pick up times. She has asked highways to re-surface part of Tattersall road but hasn’t got an update when this will happen.
She told the council that the flood alleviation in Kirkby on Bain has been agreed but she has not been given a time frame but funding for it can be pulled at any time if there is an emergency so she is working on getting a definite answer. Councillor Saunders told the council that they are going to start the flood works hopefully in 2022 councillors Kemp was in agreement. Councillor Bradwell is going to confirm this at a later date.
Councillor Bradwell told the council that she is still pushing for Broadband but now she is speaking with different providers to see what they can do.
b) District Councillor Tom Kemp told the council that there is a planning review so if you have any comments you would like him to bring to ELDC attention then please bring them to his attention. The council told the district councillor they had put in their opinion as the deadline was the 12th April, he informed them that he can still bring his comments to their attention and they will be taken into account.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the council compile their opinion and send them to the clerk for her to pass on to the District councillor.
c) Police – No report given as PCSO informed the council that they no longer to this a newsletter is now sent out to all councils.
8. Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations 2nd to 4th June 2022 – Councillor Thomas asked the council if they would like to do something in the village to celebrate the occasion. Councillor Briscombe told the council that if they had any idea to send them to councillor Thomas and he will bring the ideas to the next meeting.
9. Parish Council Nominations
a) Brocklesby Trustee nomination – Councillor Briscombe is currently serving as a member of the committee for the trust on behalf of the parish council but the committee now has too many member as there should be 5 and there are 6 so he may be removed but he Is awaiting an update.
b) Nursery Committee nomination – Councillor Briscombe told the council that the nursery would like a member of the parish council on their committee, councillor Birscombe is going to pass on the terms of reference to the council members so they can get an idea on what is involved and if they are interested then they should get in touch with him so he can pass on their details.
10. Village sign – Councillor Arden told the council the sign is currently being made and there is a 6 week delivery lead time.
11. Reactive speed Sign – Councillor Arden circulated the data amongst the council before the meeting. Patricia Bradwell was asked to contact the road safety partnership to see if they have any suggestions on how to reduce the speeding in the village.
12. To discuss any Planning applications – none.
13. To report any highways issues
a) Councillor Midgley raised concerns about the road condition on Roughton road but county councillor Bradwell has reported the issue and is dealing with it.
14. To consider and approve the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Arden and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED that the accounts for the year ending the 31st March 2021 be approved and signed by the chairman as well as the certificate of exemption.
15. To confirm and approve the Accounting statements contained in the Annual Return
The figures from the financial records have been transcribed into section 1 of the annual return.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Brisconbe and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED that the accounting statements for the year ending 31st March 2021 be approved.
16. To approve the annual governance statement in the annual return
Members considered the detail within the governance statement and understood what they are, as a corporate body, approving.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the council answer ‘yes’ to all boxes contained in the annual return.
17. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements
b) Payments required:-
i. Gladson - £2,987.97 + VAT £597.59 (PAID)
ii. S. Kulwicki – March and April - £480.28
iii. Internal Audit - £20.00
iv. BHIB – Insurance - £262.65
v. LALC – Training - £27.00
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Arden and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the above payment are approved and be duly paid.
18. Clerks correspondence – All done via email.
19. To review and approve the councils policies –
a) Standing orders - Amendment of standing orders section 12: Draft Minutes - Draft minutes of Council meetings shall be available for general publication providing they are marked as "Draft “
b) Financial regulations – No change
c) Code of conduct – No change
d) Risk assessment – No change
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the above change be made and the policies be approved.
20. To confirm the date of the next meeting - The next meeting will be held on the 1st July 2021 at 7pm.
21. Any other matters for discussion on the next agenda.
a) The clerk was asked to chase planning enforcement in regards to Beagle barn.
The meeting closed at 7:56pm
Signed by chairman: …………………..0001.07.21