Minutes from 14th January 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14th January 2021 via Zoom at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Arden, Thomas, Midgley, Saunders and Stones. County Councillor Patricia Bradwell and District Councillor Craig Leyland were present.
Public: There was 1 member of public present.
Public forum:
No comments from public.
62. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.
63. Apologies for absence and reasons given – There were none.
64. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation – None.
65. Notes of meeting held on Thursday 5th November 2020 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Stones and Seconded by Councillor Arden and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
66. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Bradwell told the council that the PCSO is going to start attending during school hours on Wharf Lane due to the parking issues. This will be when all the children go back to school after lockdown. She has also spoken with the highways officer about Wharf Lane and they know it needs re-surfacing but they will continue to repair the bad areas and look at resurfacing and painting the lines in the better weather. She asked the council is they would like the community liaison team to clean the drains, Councillor Stones asked that this be done on tattershall road. Councillor Bradwell told the council that she is also going to get them to fill the smaller pot holes in the area as a temporary measure.
b) District Councillor Craig Leyland told the council that the vaccines are now being rolled out and there is support available for people who are housebound as they have Gps who are able to visit and they are arranging transport for those who cannot get there. He told the council that there are a lot of frustrations surrounding the vaccine progress but it is moving in the right direction. The council asked that someone from ELDC come into the area and see if anything can be done about the litter as it is getting worse. Councillor Leyland told the council he will get someone to attend.
c) Police – Not report.
67. Broadband – Councillor Saunders told the council that open reach have said there is no more capacity in the area to roll out fibre broadband along Roughton road. Councillor Saunders was asked to send the information to councillor Bradwell.
68. Main’s Sewerage scheme – Councillor Thomas told the council that he had spoken with the environment agency and they have no problems with main sewerage going ahead. He is also waiting to hear back from Anglian water. The main issue is if this is something the council want to proceed with as it will cost thousands for property owners. This will be ongoing.
69. Village sign – Councillor Arden has got 2 quotes for the works. He is talking with highways and will confirm installation with them. A discussion was had on approved contractors and if they are needed.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Stones and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the purchase of the sign go ahead contingent on satisfactory discussions on instillation with LCC highways. The council will continue to be updated by email.
70. Telephone box maintenance – The painting of exterior is contracted to proceed when weather improves. A discussion was had on getting the phone box electrically tested to ensure everything is in order. Councillor Briscombe is going to look into it.
71. Grass cutting for 2021- Councillor Briscombe is going to use a quote from the current grass cutter and do a projection for the next financial year.
72. Reactive speed Sign – Councillor Arden told the council that the battery on the speed sign had failed and needs replacing he has obtained a quote from the original supplier.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Stones and Seconded by Councillor Arden and RESOLVED by all that the a new battery be purchased for the sign at a costs of £253.09.
73. To discuss any Planning applications – There is nothing recent. The clerk asked the council about the change of name from Lindum cottage which is no longer there to Lindum close, the council confirmed that they are happy with the name change.
74. To report any highways issues
a) Councillor Briscombe reported that the secret path is now being used by cyclists since the barriers where removed to allow pushchairs through. He has reported it on fix my street but they have told him to report to ELDC. Councillor Bradwell is going to look at getting a sign put up there and report back.
b) Councillor Midgley told the council there are a lot of dead trees especially on Roughton road which need attending too. Councillor Bradwell will attend and see what needs doing.
75. The co-option of any potential candidates present
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Arden and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the Carole Cole be co-opted on to the council.
76. To approve the precept and budget for 2021-2022
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Stones and Seconded by Councillor Thomas and RESOLVED by all that the budget be approved and a precept of £5,000.00 be applied for.
77. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – Current balance as of 22nd December is £10,871.48.
b) Payments required:-
i. S. Kulwicki – Nov and Dec - £372.64
ii. A. Jackson for Aug, Sept, Oct - £480.00
iii. Greenbarnes Ltd- Noticeboard - £1657.63
iv. Unipart doorman – Battery - £253.09
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Thomas and Seconded by Councillor Briscombe and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid.
c) To discuss the purchase and re-siting of the parish council notice board – Purchased approved as above. Councillor Briscombe told the council that the noticeboard will be placed on the wall of Mill house, main street now that written permission has been given.
78. Clerks correspondence – All done through email.
79. To confirm the date of the next meeting which will be held on the 4th March 2021 at 7pm via zoom.
80. Any other matters for discussion on the next agenda – None.
The meeting closed at 8:05pm.
Signed by chairman:………………… 0004.03.21