Notes from 05.09.2024

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th September 2024  in the school hall at 7:00 pm 
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Armitage, Obermuller, Russell, Cole, Midgley, County Councillor Patricia Bradwell, District councillor Craig Leyland and District Councillor Thomas Kemp. 
Absent: Councillor S. Thomas.  
Public: There was 6 members of public present.  

Talk from EA about recent flooding in the area – Apologies received from the EA representative who has told the council he will attend the next meeting or he will send another representative. 

Public forum: 
A member of public asked for a response to his open letter which asked for the gaps in the Bain to be assessed. Cllr Bradwell will chase a response and will try to arrange a meeting with the EA to discuss the issues. 

A member of public (mop) made a complaint about Heale Poultry unit on Wellsyke Lane which he would like the parish council to bring to the environment agency’s attention for the on site noise and odour. Cllr Leyland offered to get some more information from the mop at the end of the meeting so he can take his concerns to an environmental health officer. 

1. Chairmans remarks 


2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - 

Apologies received from Councillor Thomas. 
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Obermuller and Seconded by Councillor Armitage and RESOLVED to accept the apologies.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  


4. Notes of the council meeting held on Thursday 4th July 2024 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.  
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Obermuller and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED to approve the notes as minutes and for the chairman to sign. 

5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Braswell told all the contract has been issued for the surface water works which are now due to take place in the next few days. She told the council she will take forward the issue with the banks being low. She also promoted the use of resilience plans. 

b) District Councillor Craig Leyland said he will report on some items as they come up in the agenda. ELDC are fortunate to have some funds from business rates to enable small parishes to make community improvements.

6. Highways issues

a) Community Speed Watch – Cllr Armitage told all that the roads have recently been closed by Anglian water so there has not been any traffic and they will be closed again for the surfacing drainage works so there is little activity from the csw group at this time. 
b) LGV control in KOB – Cllr Bradwell told all that the county council cannot stop lorries and tractors going through the village. There is a sign up which states unsuitable for HGV vehicles but it is not enforceable. Cllr Briscombe asked for a feasibility study to be caried out on Main Road to assess why it does not meet the criteria for a weight limit. 
c) Gritting bins – ELDC pride team has spoken to the neighbourhood team and they can loosen up the bins and Cllr Bradwell told the councillors that the bins should be topped up again in October. 
d) Inert waste processing facility continuation – no objections. 

7. Future of the village Church hall 

Cllr Briscombe reported that the plan to sell half of the plot to fund the repair is not viable, the pcc are now working with the education authority for Kirkby On Bain school to see what funding is available if they worked together. The pcc are going to the diocese to find a definitive answer who owns the land and hall building.  

8. To discuss any Planning applications 
a) Mill House manufacturing – Cllr Leyland reported that this is being called into planning committee on the 3rd October. 
b) EC/094/00401/23 - Kirkby Lane adjacent to Reddings Wood – Cllr Leyland reported that there is an enforcement notice in place, dated 28th August and the owners have 12 months to remove the living accommodation and toilet. 
c) Lincolnshire Mineral and Waste strategy – The council would like to make comments on the potential noise and traffic movement, which could be addressed with hours restrictions. 

9. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – Current balance: £8,952.10.
b) Payments required: - 
i. Protect signs - £123.92
ii. A. Jackson - £335.00
iii. S. Kulwicki – Wages for August and September - £389.92
iv. HMRC - £83.60
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Obermuller and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED to approve the above payments.  

10. Clerks’ correspondence


11. The next meeting is scheduled for: Thursday 7th November at 7pm in Kirkby On Bain school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda…

Signed by chairman:0007.11.2024