Minutes 04.01.2024
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th January 2024 in the school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Thomas, Armitage, Obermuller, Midgley, Cole, District Councillor Craig Leyland and County Councillor Patricia Bradwell.
Absent: Councillor J. Russell and District councillor Kemp
Public: There was 14 members of public present.
Public forum:
A member of public asked the council and bodies which is works alongside to examine the bank of the River Bain and repair the gaps within it and asked that the East of the River Bank be lower than the West so when it does overflow it does not flood the village. Councillor Leyland told all that he and Councillor Bradwell are working with the EA, ELDC, Witham Third and LCC to assess the local areas. LCC are under scrutiny. He told all that he will try and get the EA to re-study the bank where maintenance is needed.
A member of public told all that there is no bank from Swan Drift to the Church. A landowner on Roughton Road told the council that he is clearing the dykes on his property to help water flow but local drainage pipes also need clearing to help reduce roads flooding and may need enlarging.
Councillor Bradwell told all that she is going to meet with the EA and highways and discuss raising the banks. She encouraged all present to use fix my street to report any local issues. Councillor Briscombe mentioned several pot holes on Tattershall Road and reported that there are always puddles outside Croft Haven which causes the house to constantly be splashed with water when vehicles are passing.
Councillor Leyland told the council that the EA failed the residents and they have issues a statement discussing what happened which is available online. He will send it to the clerk to circulate.
Additionally , the last survey of Kirkby On Bains flood defenses was 2 years ago and will now be reviewed by all parties in the light of the October floods. Residents and Councillors requested involvement in any on-site meetings and subsequent discussions. Councillors Bradwell and Leyland agreed.
Chairman's remarks – The chairman wished all a happy new year and thanked them for attending the meeting. He paid tribute to Geoff Laughton of Wellsyke Farm who recently passed away. He was a great benefactor of the Village & School . He & his wife gifted land for the community-funded first extension of the school opened by Princess Anne in 1989.
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Russell. Councillor Leyland gave apologies on behalf of District Councillor Kemp.
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – None.
3. Notes of the council meeting held on Thursday 9th November 2023 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Obermuller and Seconded by Councillor Armitage and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
4. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor Patricia Bradwell had nothing further to add. (see public forum)
b) District Councillor Craig Leyland told the council that there may be some funding allocated to Kirkby On Bain via devolution but this is dependant on approval. ELDC are still dealing with wellbeing issues from the flooding in October. (see public forum)
c) Police not present no report given.
5. Resilience/ emergency plan and flood recovery progress – Councillor Thomas will complete the draft document for the council to adopt.
6. To discuss any Planning applications
a) Mill House manufacturing – No statutory nuisance found, awaiting planning application. No updates.
b) EC/094/00401/23 - Kirkby Lane adjacent to Reddings Wood. Councillor Leyland told the council that a breech has been established and the enforcement team will take action but as the owners are living on the site it will take more time to find alternative accommodation.
c) Ref: S/094/02405/23 – Planning permission for the erection of an agricultural storage office building, land opposite Reddings, Kirkby Lane. The council will send the clerk their comments via email.
7. Highways
a) HGV’s and road weight limits – Councillor Patricia Bradwell is going to meet with highways in the next few days and discuss this subject further as she does not wish to advise the council incorrectly and she also wants to know the best course of action going forwards.
8. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements
b) Payments required: -
i. A. Jackson Oct - £205.00
ii. S- Kulwicki wages for Nov & Dec and tax - £302.20
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Briscombe and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid.
9. Clerks’ correspondence – None.
10. The next meeting is scheduled for: 7th March 2024 at 7pm in Kirkby On Bain school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda…
The meeting closed at 7:40pm
Signed by Chairman:0007.03.2024