Notes from 07.09.2023
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th September in the school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Russell, Armitage, Cole, Obermuller and Midgley. District councillor Leyland and Kemp
Absent: Councillor S. Thomas.. County Councillor Patricia Bradwell
Public: There were 5 members of public present.
Public forum:
A member of public asked why the speed sign does not show your speed when you are going much faster than the 30mph limit. Councillor Armitage informed them that is it set like that to discourage speeding and people trying to reach high numbers.
1. Chairmans remarks – None.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - Apologises received and accepted from Councillor Thomas and County councillor P. Bradwell.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011- None.
4. Notes of the council meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2023 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Cole and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor send a report via email which was circulated to all councillors.
b) District Councillor Thomas Kemp told the council that he was pleased to see the speed signs in place and that they are working well. The council thanked the District councillors for their donations towards them. See item 9 for Councillor Leyland’s update on planning issues.
c) Police – Not present no report given.
6. Community Speed Watch Scheme – training is scheduled for 21st September at 6pm. The council encourage anyone to attend and there is no obligation once trained to go out on the road. Roughton parish council now have their speed sign and both new signs are erected in Kirkby on Bain.
7. Polling stations – Councillor Briscombe will discuss the installation of a ramp with the caretaker. The review of local polling stations is scheduled for October and they hope to have everything ready by then.
8. Survey of convenient dog waste bins – Cllr Midgley has requested that 2 new bins be installed and will send the locations to the clerk.
9. Kirkby On Bain Church hall - Councillor Briscombe informed the council that the committee have disbanded and surrendered to the charity commission all funds held by the committee will go back to the diocese and is ring fenced for the use of that building only.
The council discussed issues with parking at the school and would like to work with the school for a positive solution. The clerk was asked to write to the county councillor and ask what methods could be used to help. The council would also like to write to the schools head teacher to discuss options on their side.
10. To discuss any Planning applications
a) Kirkby Moor Quarry – Councillor Leyland told the council that himself and Councillor Kemp are formulating a response to this application as they have yet to make their comments on this as District councillors.
b) Kirkby lane Amenity Site – Councillor Kemp told the council that the more public that comment on this application the better and if it looks like it wont be refused they will ask for it to be called to a planning committee meeting. Councillor Briscombe asked that this application and its progress be chased up and the parish council would like an update within a week.
c) Lodge at The Beeches – Councillor Briscombe told the council that a complain to enforcement has been made by a local resident and they have confirmed that it needs planning permission. It is believed that the owner is now applying for retrospective planning permission.
d) Breach of Planning Millhouse designs – Councillor Leyland told the council that there is a lengthy process to follow when it comes to logging noise issues, a diary needs to be kept of when there are issues. Members of public have done this and sent it to the council to no avail as it is under 40 decibels. Councillor Leyland will look into this further and get back to the council in a week.
11. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The balance as of the 28th July is £5468.09 but there is still a payment needed for the other speed sign.
b) Payments required: -
i. A. Jackson £377.00 (PAID)
ii. M. Briscombe – Post gift - £50.00 (PAID)
iii. B. Armitage – sign brackets - £62.70 (PAID)
iv. S. Kulwicki – clicker - £4.99
v. ELDC- Election fees - £48.50
vi. S- Kulwicki wages for July&Aug – £326.94
vii. HMRC PAYE - £73.40
viii. M. Briscombe – lamp post poppies - £36.00
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Armitage and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED.
12. Clerks’ correspondence – The clerk told the council that this has been done via email. Councillor Midgley mentioned the complain about an overgrown hedge in the churchyard which he is going to cut back personally. The chairman thanked Councillor Midgley for doing this. Councillor Briscombe told the council that he will be putting up the flag at half-mast for the anniversary of the queens passing.
13. The next meeting is scheduled for: 9th November 2023 at 7pm in Kirkby On Bain school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda…
The meeting closed at 7:53pm
Signed by Chairman:…………………..0009.11.2023