Minutes from 18.05.2023
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023 in the school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Thomas, Armitage, Midgley, Russell, Obermuller and Cole.
1. Election of Chairman
Cllr C. Cole Proposed Cllr M. Briscombe which was Seconded by Cllr S. Midgley RESOLVED. The chairman signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
There were no other nominations.
2. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr C. Cole Proposed Cllr B. Armitage which was Seconded by Cllr J. Russell RESOLVED. The Vice- chairman signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
There were no other nominations.
3. Apologies for absence and reasons given
County Cllr P. Bradwell and District Cllrs C. Leyland and T. Kemp. Cllr M. Briscombe told all present that he had received an email from the County Cllr and Tattershall Road is schedule for resurfacing next year.
4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
5. Notes of the council meeting held on Thursday 2nd March 2023 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was:-
Proposed by Cllr B. Armitage and seconded by Cllr S. Thomas and RESOLVED.
6. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor – None, see item 3.
Cllr S. Midgley met with Highways and County Cllr P. Bradwell on 6th March they mentioned Tattershall Road and most of the local holes have been filled. They will continue to monitor the road for any repairs needed. Kirkby lane towards Welsyke Lane shall be resurfaced. It was also mentioned that Roughton Road is in need of repair which Cllr Midgley will add to fix my street.
b) District Councillor - None present no report given.
c) Police - None present no report given.
7. Kings Coronation Village Celebrations
The celebration was very successful and much appreciated by all Cllr M Briscombe suggested doing another picnic during the summer not as an event more of a social gathering for the village or a village BBQ to be held in August perhaps on 19th/20th. The date is to be confirmed. Cllr S. Thomas will allow the council to use his field.
8. Community Speed Watch Scheme – Cllr B. Armitage met with the working group for the community speed watch they want to arrange training as soon as possible the clerk was asked to send the latest dates through. Roughton parish council has offered to fund 1/3 of the cost of the equipment and Kirkby on Bain shall fund the rest.
It was:-
Proposed by Cllr B. Armitage and seconded by Cllr S. Thomas and RESOLVED that the council fund 2/3 of the cost of the equipment.
Cllr B. Armitage Proposed that 2 modern solar panel speed signs be purchased for Kirkby on Bain one to be placed on Tattershall road and another on Roughton road. Cllr Armitage suggested that if the council purchased 2 new signs their current sign be donated to Roughton Parish Council.
The council discussed this and at this time it is not financially viable to purchase 2 solar panel signs.
It was:-
Proposed by Cllr B. Armitage that one sign be purchased Seconded by Cllr J. Russell and RESOLVED.
9. 2023 election arrangements
The village has no polling station and asked returning officer why Kirkby On Bain school was no longer being used. Cllr M. Briscombe was told it is due to chid safeguarding and no wheelchair access. The parish council or parish received no consultation on this. Cllr M Briscombe has forwarded a response to the head teacher of Kirkby on Bain school and is hoping to have a meeting regarding these issues and whether anything can be done.
10. To discuss any Planning applications
a) Kirkby Moor leisure park planning developments- Cllr M Briscombe told the council that the application was withdrawn. He reported that the land owners have lowered the level of the pond and have removed a lot of trees. A biological survey has been carried out and there are crested newts. Members of the council were concerned that the works carried out on site may have already caused irrevocable damage.
b) Cllr B. Armitage asked for an update on mill house. The District Cllrs were dealing with this and they were going to speak with someone at environment department, the clerk was asked to chase this.
11. Audit of accounts – presentation of accounts – Internal auditor has done checks all cleared for approval of this Council.
a) To confirm the council as exempt from a limited assurance review
The clerk told the council that they are unable to claim exemption due to the overpayment from ELDC. She has contacted ELDC and explained that the council now has to pay for a more detailed audit due to the overpayment error and they will reimburse the cost as long as the council can send proof of this.
b) To confirm and approve the accounting statements contained in the Annual Return
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor S. Thomas and Seconded by Councillor B. Armitage and RESOLVED that the accounting statements are correct.
c) To approve the annual governance statement in the annual return
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor B. Arimtage and Seconded by Councillor M. Briscombe and RESOLVED that the accounting statements are correct.
12. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The clerk presented the full accounts to the council. The bank balance as of 31st March 2023 is £4034.69.
b) Payments required: -
i. Bench base -£340.00 (PAID)
ii. LALC training scheme- £108.00
iii. BHIB - £317.61
iv. Internal Audit - £45.00
v. S. Kulwicki – Wages for March and April - £440.21
vi. HMRC - £106.20
vii. A. Jackson £210.00
viii. Accidental Reeds band via C. Cole - £100.00
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Thomas and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid.
13. Clerks’ correspondence – The clerk received a letter for a parent at Kirkby on Bain school asking for a donation of soil. Cllr S. Thomas told the council that he will donate soil to school for them to collect. A member of public who cuts the verges in the parish to make it look nice and received abuse from someone in the parish for cutting verges. The clerk was asked to respond to him and inform its civil and police matter.
14. The next meeting is scheduled for: 13th July 2023 at 7pm in Kirkby On Bain school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda – None.
The meeting closed at 8:12pm
Signed by Chairman:0013.07.2023