Notes from 13.07.2023
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2023 in the school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: With Councillor Briscombe in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Russell, Armitage, Cole, Obermuller and Midgley. Please note that Councillor Obermuller arrived at 7:30pm.
Absent: Councillor S. Thomas. District councillor Leyland and Kemp. County Councillor Patricia Bradwell
Public: There was 5 members of public present.
Public forum – none.
1. Chairmans remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologise received and accepted from Councillor Thomas.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – None.
4. Notes of the council meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Armitage and Seconded by Councillor Midgley and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
5. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor not present.
District Councillor Craig Leyland not present, apologies received and asked to be updated on any issues needing his attention. The clerk was asked to email the district councillor for an update on Mill house and the noise from their machinery.
b) Police not present.
6. Community Speed Watch Scheme – The clerk was asked to chase the training dates and arrange a day which can be advertised locally. The equipment is on order pending payment see item 11.
7. Polling stations – Councillor Briscombe told the council that he has met with the elections officer and their will be a review carried out in October and the school will be added proving the issues are addressed. The school and the caretaker are working on resolving the issues which make the school unsuitable for a polling station and will have them fixed by October.
8. Survey of convenient dog waste bins – Councillor Midgley gave a detailed report of the current assets in the area including grit bins which he will check for refiling in due course. He has mapped out all the local paths which there are 8 of and 1 bridal way and walked them. He has a few issues of overgrowth to report to the countryside team and requests that 2 new litter bins be added to the current paths through the parish. He will send a map to the clerk so she can carry out the requests.
Councillor Midgley also looked over Ostlers plantation in Woodhall spa and found that it would be useful to have some litter bins on the verges outside the entry points to help elevate litter in that area.
9. Kirkby On Bain Church hall - Councillor Briscombe informed the council that the committee have disbanded and surrendered to the charity commission. There is no further information on this at this time.
10. To discuss any Planning applications
a) Councillor Briscombe had an enquiry regarding the planning requirement for the erection of a lodge on someone’s property in the village. He has informed them that they should speak with ELDC’s panning department.
b) Kirkby Moor holiday park application has been withdrawn but there has been lots of site activity. The clerk was asked to email the district councillor for an update.
11. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements as of the 1st June the council has £8,3663.87.
b) Payments required: -
i. ElanCity – Reactive sign - £2580.00
ii. Protect signs – signs for CSW - £122.31
iii. Howsafe – CSW jackets - £83.44
iv. Laser Tech – CSW Gun - £352.80
v. S. Kulwicki – Wages for June and July - £335.03
vi. HMRC - £83.00
vii. LIVES - £159.00
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Midgley and Seconded by Councillor Cole and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid.
12. Clerks’ correspondence – The clerk told the council she had received a phone call from a member of public but was not able to phone them back as they did not leave a contact number. All other coropondace has been done via email.
13. The next meeting is scheduled for: 7th September 2023 at 7pm in Kirkby On Bain school hall. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda…
a) Councillors discussed the village picnic and agree to go ahead for 19th August. Leaflets will be distributed.
The meeting closed at 7:45pm
Signed by Chairman: 0007.09.2023