Minutes from 05.03.2020

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 05th March 2020 in Kirkby on Bain primary school hall at 7:00 pm 
Present: With Councillor Tydeman in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Arden, Stones, Briscombe and Midgley. District Councillor Tom Kemp was also present. 
Apologies: County councillor Bradwell.
Public: There was 4 members of public present. 
Public forum:
One member of public reported the recent flooding in the area. Councillor Tydeman told them that ELDC are doing an independent report for the area which the parish council are waiting on. District councillor Tom Kemp told the council he was on Witham 3rd drainage board and would make some enquiries. A member of public complained about the speed of large vehicle’s in the area. The council was asked if something could be done about the parking outside the local pub as it is restricting property access, the clerk was asked to email Councillor Bradwell. 

The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:15pm 

78. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them from coming. 

79. Apologies for absence and reasons given. – Resignation received from Councillor Dewrance. Apologies received from Councillor P. Bradwell. District Councillor Craig Leyland was not present but no reason was given. 

80. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none. 

81. Notes of meeting held on Thursday 16th January 2020 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Stones and Seconded by councillor Briscombe and Resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 16th January 2020 be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman. 

82. Notes of the sub- committee meeting held on Monday 27th January 2020 to be approved as minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Stones and Seconded by councillor Briscombe and Resolved that the notes of the Sub- committee meeting held on the 27th January be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.  

83. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor P Bradwell reported the following issues to the council via email as she was unable to be present: 
1) Parking in and around school in progress - Meeting highways officer to discuss what we can do ie lines etc next Wednesday also need to catch up with Schools Road Safety Officer. I know it appears to be going slowly, but since December our highways officers have been very busy with flooding issues around the County, so I have been unable to get a meeting with officers to discuss .
2) Kirkby in Bain household waste Centre - a decision has been made to replace this site in the future  - the site will continue until an alternative site has been found .
3) following our Annual Budget Meeting - additional £4 million will be spent on extra highways gangs who’ll carry out additional maintenance across the county including pothole repairs. ( We have had two extra gangs this winter but they’ve been pulled off onto the flooding issues. A further £2 million will go towards extra drainage repairs and new flood response equipment for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue.
4) £50 million project to build two new Special Schools in Lincoln and Boston and Extend and refurbish all our other school sites around the county. Horncastle is your nearest school which will be extended to increase the school places and remodelled.
5) government also provided the council with £14m towards Adult’s and Children’s Social Care. We urgently need a long term funding plan to deal with the growing elderly population 
b) District Councillor Tom Kemp reported to the council that ELDC had set the budget and the increases amount to 10p per week. He also reported that the councils offices are moving to Horncastle as it makes the running of the council more affordable over a 15 year period.  

c) Police – Not present no report given. 

84. Annual parish/ village Meeting – Councillor Briscombe reported that the meeting will be held on the 13th May. The previous councillor Mr. Dewrance is going to stay on the sub-committee as an adviser.  Councillor Stones reported that the school choir is going to be involved and hopefully put on a performance and there will be a photography contest for the area. 

85. Tearout festival – Licencing representative Sgt Enderby attended the meeting to talk to the council about its concerns. An explanation of the licencing process was given and what powers that have. It is scheduled to be a very large event in the area and ticket sales have all ready started. They are currently liaising with the organisers to ensure the event runs as smoothly as possible. They are making sure the organisers out all necessary restrictions in place. Any complaints the council have preferably with evidence should be complied and sent to him directly. He will keep the council updates as and when he is able. The council thanked him for coming. 

86. Community Speed Watch Data  - Councillor Tydeman reported that he is not able to get the data of the reactive sign as the verge is unstable but he will do it when the ground isn’t as wet and report back to the council. 

87. Village sign – Councillor Tydeman reported that the sign is ready to be ordered and he is just negotiating a price. It will hopefully be erected within the next couple of weeks. Please note this is for 2 sings on Tattershall road and possibly 1 on Kirkby Lane. 

88. To discuss any Planning applications 
a) Ref: S/094/02162/19 – Land of main street lindum cottage, Kirkby on bain. Application to vary condition no 4 (landscaping) as imposed on detailed particulars – for the erection of 4 houses. Approval has been given. 
b) Ref: S/094/01960/19 – Poplar Farm, Roughton Road. Planning permission got change of use of a former barn to provide 1 holiday accommodation with general storage and construction of vehicle access. The council had no objections to this application. 
c) Ref: S/189/02276/19 – Willow cottage, Toft Hill, Tumby. Planning permission for instillation of a ground mounted solar array to a maximum of height 1.35m. The clerk was asked to email the planning officer and find out why this is relevant for this council as its not within the parish.  
d) S/094/02305/19 – Fairfields Farm, Wellsyke Lane. Planning permission for the erection of a detached self-contained annexe within the curtilage of the existing dwelling. Full planning permission has been given. 

89. The co-option of any potential candidates present – There were none. 

90. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements - The clerk read out the bank balances from 23rd January to 22nd February which where then signed by the chairman. The clerk also reported that she has received a letter in regards to the council doing the wrong mandate and she was asked to get in touch with the bank and see if the issue can be resolved. 
B) Payments required:- 
i. LALC Annual Subs - £136.21
ii. S. Kulwicki – Wages/ Tax for Jan & Feb plus miles travelled - £233.76
It was:-
 Proposed by councillor Briscombe and Seconded by councillor Stones and Resolved that the above payments are approved an be duly paid. 

91. Clerks correspondence – This is all done via email outside the meeting, there is nothing new to bring to the councils attention. 

92. The next meeting is scheduled for 13th May which will be the annual parish meeting at 6:30pm and there will be a meeting on the 14th May 2020 at 7:00 pm which will be the annual meeting of the parish council. Are there any items for inclusion on the next agenda(s). 
a) The clerk was asked to laminate copies of the meeting dates and drop them off so they can be displayed in the village. 
b) The clerk was asked to add the Tearout festival, traffic in the village, flooding and parking to the next agenda. 

The meeting closed at 8:00pm. 

Signed By Chairman:…………………………    002020