Minutes from 16.01.2020
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16th January 2020 in Kirkby on Bain primary school hall at 7:00 pm
Present: Councillor Stones chaired the meeting in the absence of councillor Tydeman. There were also present councillor Arden, Councillor Dewrance and Councillor Midgley.
Apologies: Councillor Tydeman, County councillor Bradwell and District councillor Leyland.
Public: There were 2 members of public present.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00pm
Public forum:
One member of public reported that the gate which restricted pushchair access to the school on the secret path has been removed. When it was removed so was a children’s crossing sign, the clerk was asked to email County councillor Bradwell to see if anything can be done.
66. Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them from coming.
67. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Tydeman and county councillor Bradwell.
68. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – There were none.
69. Notes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th November 2019 to be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Dewrance and Seconded by councillor Arden and Resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 7th November be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
70. To receive reports from outside bodies
a) County Councillor P. Bradwell was unable to attend the meeting but emailed a report detailing the gate removal which the council are happy with. The parking issues at the school and the road condition there are still being dealt with. Councillor Bradwell also asked if the council wanted the speed limit extending beyond the GN construction houses which the council confirmed they do and asked the clerk to email this to her.
b) District Councillor not present unable to give report.
c) Police not present unable to give report.
71. Village Signs – Councillor Stones reported on behalf of councillor Tydeman that the signs had been approved and will be placed in the village once they have been made and the weather permitting.
72. Grass cutting – Councillor Stones reported on behalf of councillor Briscombe that no other quotes had been received for the grass cutting and the current contractor is going to keep the price the same for 2020-2021.
73. Parking at school/ road condition issues – The parking at the school has been brought to the school’s attention and they have requested that parents park more considerably. No
improvements have been made. Councillor Dewrance told the council that it needs more enforcement but to do this they need to know where they can park and without clear road markings this cannot be done. The clerk was asked to report this to Councillor Bradwell and make it clear that the council appreciate all her help in these issues.
74. Planning
a) Ref: S/094/02144/19 – Land adjacent to Blenheim – Planning permission for the erection of 1 house with detached triple garage, garden/ pool room and store. Full planning permission has been given.
b) Ref: S/094/00896/19 – Land adjacent to sunny view, Kirkby Lane – Appeal of refusal of planning permission for 2 dwellings. The council object to this application as the road for access to the land is very dangerous as on a sharp bend.
c) Ref: S/094/02305/19 – Fairfields Farm, Wellsyke Lane – Planning permission for erection of a self-contained annex within the curtilage of the existing dwelling. The council support this application providing its for family use only.
d) Ref: S/074/01813/19 – Land north of west lane, Haltham, Horncastle – Planning permission for erection of a bungalow. This application was refused.
e) Ref: S/189/02276/19 -Willow cottage, Toft Hill – Planning permission for instillation of a ground mounted solar array to a maximum height of 1.35m. The council asked the clerk to find out why the council has been sent this application as it is not within the village.
f) Ref: S/094/02161/19 – Brackenside Poultry Farm – Erection of an agricultural storage building. Full planning permission has been given.
75. Finances:
a) Bank Balance and signing of Statements – The clerk read out the bank balances from 23rd August to 22nd December which where then signed by Councillor Stones. The clerk also asked if councillor Stones could chase the bank mandate.
b) Payments required.
(i) A. Jackson Oct Grass cutting - £120.00
(ii) School hall for 2020 - £150.00
(iii) LALC annual training scheme - £90.00
(iv) Clerks wages for Nov/Dec - £343.36
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Dewrance and Seconded by councillor Stones and Resolved that the above payments are approved an be duly paid.
c) Discussion and approval of budget and precept for 2020-21
It was:-
Proposed by councillor Dewrance and Seconded by councillor Midgley and Resolved that the budget be approved (see attached) and a precept of £5,000.00 be applied for.
76. Clerks correspondence – The clerk reported that she had applied for the council’s VAT reclaim. All other correspondence has been sent via email.
77. The next meeting is scheduled for 5th March 2020. Any items for inclusion on the next agenda.
a) Councillor stones would like the annual parish meeting on the agenda
b) The clerk was asked to keep parking at the school and village signs on the agenda.
c) Councillor stones reported that the bright LED’s on one of the new houses has now been dimmed and is not causing issues for drivers anymore.
The meeting closed at 7:42 pm
Signed by chairman:……………………….………0005.03.2020